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DIRECTOR & FILMMAKER Otto Bathurst Film and TV is one of the most powerful forms of communication in the modern era; an incredible tool with which to connect to, support and evolve humanity.
DIRECTOR & FILMMAKER Otto Bathurst Film and TV is one of the most powerful forms of communication in the modern era; an incredible tool with which to connect to, support and evolve humanity.
I often ponder how the film industry actually survives. The excess, waste, disorganisation and wanton indulgence in whims and egos would never be tolerated in a ‘normal’ company; money is haemorrhaged all over the place.
It’s an indescribably inefficient system that is propped up by this misguided illusion that it has some kind of higher purpose or value than any other manufactured product. That is the gateway through which the excess, irresponsibility and, at times gross behaviour of many is allowed to pass. Yet, the gigantic bubble that needs bursting is ‘what has film actually, truly delivered to humanity’?
If we are really honest about this, then the foundations on which the indulgence and abuse are built, would come tumbling down and the ‘excuses’ through which the people are treated so badly wouldn’t hold any water.
As with everything in life, we have to start making it about people first.
Film and TV is one of the most powerful forms of communication in the modern era; an incredible tool with which to connect to, support and evolve humanity. But it is a tool that is currently being used to entirely the opposite effect; with almost all of the content produced offering nothing more than pure escapism, indulgence and perpetuation of the status quo. And that is just the seemingly ‘harmless’ stuff, because there is also the ever-increasing and intensifying glorification and normalisation of violence, the sexualisation and demeaning of women, the aspiration of greed and supremacy, the promotion of illusion and glamour…the list is long.
Society is lost; everywhere you look you will see inequality, poverty, disease, excess, greed, corruption, abuse, disharmony; and so film and TV have an incredible opportunity and responsibility to try to address some of these issues.
We live in a supply and demand world and film-making is a high-cost business, so it is slave to the market forces and the demands of its audience and many a studio executive will just put the ticket receipt figures in front to of you and say “you see, this is what the people want to go and see”. And, in some cases, many cases, they may be right and it is their job is to make money so I understand the dilemma. However, I believe very strongly that the world is crying out for truth, that the world is crying out for true connection and for messages, teachings and inspirations that may open themselves up to a new way of being.
The glorious opportunity that film has is the fact that this doesn’t have to be delivered in some kind of worthy, art-house documentary; this can be delivered in an entertaining and absolutely commercial and fun package and so can reach literally millions of people in an incredibly short amount of time. This is a gigantic opportunity that is currently being totally missed. Anyone who holds such a powerful tool in their hands MUST accept the responsibility that comes with that.
Sometime in the future we will look back on this era of history and wonder in total bemusement how we managed to bastardise and abuse such an incredibly potent weapon of truth, support and inspiration, whilst all around us our brothers and sisters were struggling so deeply and painfully with the lives that they were living.
The moving image – whether it be on film, TV or social media has the power to change the world….cineastes often talk about their love of the “flickering light of the silver screen in a darkened room”…that is exactly what it could be …a lighthouse in the darkness, showing us all a truer way of being….
OTTO BATHURST has been working in Film and Television all of his professional life. He started as a tea boy and worked his way up the ranks, learning the ropes on every level. Otto is now a director and the learning just keeps on coming. Except now it is less about the technical or creative and much more about his responsibilities. "Film, TV, Internet Media are all such potent and omni-present forms of communication, education and connection, yet almost all of the product that comes out of the industry is, at best, pure escapism and at worst, deeply abusive – in either form it is offering almost zero service to the evolution of humanity. We are in deep, deep trouble and we badly need help, inspiration, support and purpose. To be able to deliver that within the incredibly accessible and far reaching mediums of film and television is a right-now opportunity and gift that lays at the feet of any one of us who is making these moving images. I am blessed to be in a position from which I can reach millions and that is a responsibility that I am learning to take very seriously."
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Responsible media is not restricted media and responsible communication is not restricted communication - just as we know not to abuse, denigrate, or harm in our physical actions, so too should we not allow the same in our visual media or online platforms.
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PHOTOGRAPHER Alan Johnston However ‘media’ has another intrinsic meaning, namely, as the ‘material’ or ‘space’ through which sensory impressions, waves or forces (in other words, energy) pass. When Marshall McLuhan famously wrote: ‘the medium is the message’ - proposing that the form of the medium brings a bias - he fell short. For it is not simply the medium itself that influences the message, it’s the energy brought to the creation and delivery of the message (via the medium) that is the real and (truly) perceived communication.
PHOTOGRAPHER Alan Johnston However ‘media’ has another intrinsic meaning, namely, as the ‘material’ or ‘space’ through which sensory impressions, waves or forces (in other words, energy) pass. When Marshall McLuhan famously wrote: ‘the medium is the message’ - proposing that the form of the medium brings a bias - he fell short. For it is not simply the medium itself that influences the message, it’s the energy brought to the creation and delivery of the message (via the medium) that is the real and (truly) perceived communication.
However ‘media’ has another intrinsic meaning, namely, as the ‘material’ or ‘space’ through which sensory impressions, waves or forces (in other words, energy) pass. When Marshall McLuhan famously wrote: ‘the medium is the message’ – proposing that the form of the medium brings a bias – he fell short. For it is not simply the medium itself that influences the message, it’s the energy brought to the creation and delivery of the message (via the medium) that is the real and (truly) perceived communication.
What does this mean? Just that how we live our life, how we self-care, how we are with other people, how we serve beyond ourselves and our family and what we are energetically aligned to, all inspire and inform what we do. A photograph, a shared online post, a feature film, the content changes but how we truly are in a connected sense is the essential.
And harmonising the two meanings of the word media is where true responsibility lies. If we work with media to express or contribute, above and beyond doing work with diligence and integrity we need to be aware of our own ‘state of being’ - because if our actions and interactions are not consistently loving, then what we bring and do ‘reduces’ no matter how ‘professional’ anything we produce might appear.
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CEONeil Gamble
The new media (which is being established mainly on an internet foundation and is becoming highly fragmented), although very different, has the same problems – it is energetically lacking integrity, it is largely irresponsible and it is competitive and is therefore more based on separation than on collaboration. Its purpose is usually about making money. Its role, in the evolutionary development of mankind, is patchy at best and, at worst, is often hypocritical and dishonest. It focuses on gossip, sensationalism and on the ‘small picture’ of humanity. It is driven by daily tight deadlines that force irresponsibility, short cuts and insufficient research. It too often caters to the lowest of the lower minds. It often insults the true meaning of words.
Ultimately, one day, media will be about:
– Energetic Responsibility and Energetic Integrity.
– Awareness of a much bigger, universal agenda.
– The Truth and nothing less than the absolute truth.
– Being Purposeful – that is, being connected to sustainable and evolutionary business models.
– Developing communities living in true collaboration, connected in harmony, all working towards the above purpose of sustainable and evolutionary media models.
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SCHAUSPIELERIN Christina Hecke Ist es wirklich der Leser/ Zuschauer, der diese gezielten, auf Sensationen gestellten Fragen beantwortet haben will, oder sind es die Medien, die diese Fragen stellen, um den Endverbraucher zu füttern?
SCHAUSPIELERIN Christina Hecke Ist es wirklich der Leser/ Zuschauer, der diese gezielten, auf Sensationen gestellten Fragen beantwortet haben will, oder sind es die Medien, die diese Fragen stellen, um den Endverbraucher zu füttern?
Entweder die Leute wollen Sensationen haben, um ihr eigenes Leben daran messen zu können - und die Medien bedienen das um ihren Profit zu erhalten – ODER die Sensationsspirale wurde einst angefüttert und der Mensch hat „angebissen“ und will nun nicht mehr vom Haken. Ob das Huhn oder das Ei - es ist jedenfalls ein nicht von Wahrheit getragenes Berichten. Die Fragen sind gezielt manipulativ gestellt, der Rahmen vorgegeben. Als Person des öffentlichen Interesses muss man selbst sehen, wie man sich hier positioniert und ob man diese Spirale bedient. Ich suche so gut es geht die Wahrheit und damit mich selbst zu zeigen. Das ist aus meiner Sicht die Himmelsrichtung, in die die Medien gehen sollten.
Die Welt und ihre Ereignisse in Wahrheit zeigen, die Zusammenhänge deutlich machen und in einem Fall wie meinem dann Role-Model-Möglichkeiten anbieten, und nicht Zerrbilder aufstellen, an denen andere ihre Selbstwertzweifel abarbeiten können. Wenn wir uns nicht unseren Lebenswahrheiten stellen, haben wir im Kollektiv keine Chance uns wirklich weiter zu entwickeln – auch wenn wir Iphones haben und zum Mond fliegen können. Die Krebsraten, Familiendramen und Bedürfnisse aus diesem Leben gefühlt auschecken zu wollen werden sich damit nicht verändern. Dazu braucht es eine wahre Reflexion. Das könnten die Medien leisten. Wenn sie nur wollten. Dazu braucht es andere Prioritäten als Profit und Absatzzahlen. Dazu braucht es den Willen, diese Welt in einen Zustand der wahren Brüderlichkeit zurückführen zu wollen. Weg von Staatentrennung/ -identifikation, der Zentrierung auf das ICH und Genderdiskussionen.
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WORLD & LIFESTYLE JOURNALIST Dragana Brown By sheer demand, the media; press, radio, film and television have for a long time now been a constant destruction on offer which successfully keep us away from all the things real - tangible issues & problems, things and people that truly matter, concerns we should be focusing on and most unfortunately they keep us at bay from true Truth.
WORLD & LIFESTYLE JOURNALIST Dragana Brown By sheer demand, the media; press, radio, film and television have for a long time now been a constant destruction on offer which successfully keep us away from all the things real - tangible issues & problems, things and people that truly matter, concerns we should be focusing on and most unfortunately they keep us at bay from true Truth.
We look upon so much of what we access through media as benevolent readily and easily available info, yet the source from which that stems can often be extremely malevolent, dark and harmful. And so as a collective Humanity we are sitting uncomfortably numb on a throne of comfort, crown and all.
We seem to have made our goal to make information accessible to all, which on one hand is great, but on the other, we have not truly stopped to make sure that the quality and integrity of that information is impeccable. Media is too frequently littered with misinformation, disinformation, defamation, lack of information, and even a contempt for the truth. It would appear that the most reliable information in the media nowadays has been reduced to: year and date. And yet, the whole point with media is to have the information delivered unbiased however, there are those who can construct any wanton, needless, heedless judgemental story they desire in the knowing that judgements prevent us from seeing what lies beyond appearances. And so, deliberate injury of the sort inflicted by a picture story cannot be, and it is not responsible media.
Words without living deed violate our sense of what’s true and what’s not and the standards we have as human beings about caring deeply for one another.
Hence, our main obligation in any lifetime must be to be true to ourselves. Being true to anyone else or anything else without being true to ourselves first is not only impossible, but it makes the mark of a fake life.
Any one person involved in media must communicate in a way that Truth has to be an immutable law of communication. For media without truth is like fish with no water.
DRAGANA BROWN, lives in leafy London and works with UHNWI (ultra high net worth individuals). She is also a contributor for Huffington Post, and has written for various publications. Amongst her very dear friends are those working in media and journalism. Through her friendship with Serge Benhayon and the work of Universal Medicine she got to understand, deeply appreciate and write in a way that Truth has to be an immutable law of journalism.
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DOCTOR & HEALTHCARE SPECIALIST Maxine Szramka The use of media affects our health and well-being. We are influenced by what we read, for the better, or for the worse. There is thus a great responsibility for anyone in what they put out into the media, whether it be formal media such as written form, TV or radio, or whether it be on social media. People are always seeking opinions, facts and information and people tend to trust what they read on line. If incorrect information or biased information is published on line, this can affect people’s decisions, including decisions regarding their health care.
DOCTOR & HEALTHCARE SPECIALIST Maxine Szramka The use of media affects our health and well-being. We are influenced by what we read, for the better, or for the worse. There is thus a great responsibility for anyone in what they put out into the media, whether it be formal media such as written form, TV or radio, or whether it be on social media. People are always seeking opinions, facts and information and people tend to trust what they read on line. If incorrect information or biased information is published on line, this can affect people’s decisions, including decisions regarding their health care.
Peoples reputations can be affected by what is put out online about them, irreversibly so in this day and age where everything that is posted remains there eternally, effectively republished every day. Having lies spread about you and publicly so is very damaging for our mental health, with many suicides resulting from such affairs in both youth and adults. We need true integrity in those who publish in any form of media. We need to ensure that everything that is published is actually true and that no air time is given to lies and unfounded allegations. The notion of ‘balanced’ is simply a convenient excuse to give air time to lies. People believe what they read, and as our media are a source of turned-to information we all thus have a responsibility to ensure to our best possible ability that we are publishing only things that are true. Why publicise lies and unfounded allegations at all?
It unfortunately ought not need to be said, but does need saying that there is no room for abuse online. The online media is replete with people taking the opportunity to hurl abuse at another, including people they do not know, under cover of anonymity and lack of consequences. Abuse is not an appropriate use of freedom of speech, nor is the opportunity to defame, or lie about someone with impunity or spread baseless gossip. We must apply basic standards of dignity, decency and respect when writing online, as is appropriate in ordinary social settings. Abuse harms, and there need to be consequences for harming people.
Media is an amazing tool for connecting people, for bringing people true information, facts and a true picture of what is going on. Our media is there to be used to bring truth to people, and thus we need to regulate the entire industry based on premise of truth, with the application of a true concern for the well-being of people when things are published.
Our Media is an extension of our day to day communications. There is no more need for anonymity on the internet than there is anonymity in day to day communications. If you have something to say, say it under your own name, and accept the consequences for your actions. We need to eliminate anonymity from the internet and bring it into our day to day operations of society, governed by the same laws of consequences if harm is brought to another through one’s actions.
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Magic happens when we capture this through our medium. The work is then not just a one dimensional piece of graphic, a photo or video but holds the potential to be a masterpiece in its true meaning. A true work of art that doesn’t need to be hanging in any gallery but is a part of everyday life, an expression that resonates with everyones inner-most being and is calling them to remember their multi-dimensionality.
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SOCIAL WORKER & EDUCATOR Rachel Andras The Media is a reflection of the standards we accept as humanity we live in and it is the individual’s responsibility to foster our collective accountability.
SOCIAL WORKER & EDUCATOR Rachel Andras The Media is a reflection of the standards we accept as humanity we live in and it is the individual’s responsibility to foster our collective accountability.
Through the Media we created a feedback loop of abuse that chronically and pervasively objectifies the body, which fosters two-dimensional human desires and imposes them on our three-dimensional reality. But not only are we squeezing ourselves into the flat standards of an image that forces us to trade Botox and Silicone as a higher good of eternal youth, we are furthermore undermining the fact we are multi-dimensional and the superficiality pleasures are short-lived in comparison to the depth that is in us all
Why did we accept to be role modelled by the superficial two dimensions and an industry that sophisticated the exploitation of harming gender stereotypes as their marketing strategy?
The Media is a reflection of the standards we accept as humanity we live in and it is the individual’s responsibility to foster our collective accountability.
If we were to make love the foundation of our human interaction our gender stereotypes will be replaced by equality, integrity and responsibility.
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PHOTOGRAPHER Stefanie Henn Es geht weder ausschliesslich um den Fotografen oder die Person vor der Kamera, es ist die Qualität der Verbindung, die es von Wert ist für die Ewigkeit festgehalten zu werden.
PHOTOGRAPHER Stefanie Henn Es geht weder ausschliesslich um den Fotografen oder die Person vor der Kamera, es ist die Qualität der Verbindung, die es von Wert ist für die Ewigkeit festgehalten zu werden.
Als Fotografin nehme ich wahr, wie Fotografie in der Gesellschaft benutzt wird, um ein Ideal eines Looks, physischen Abbildes optisch zu formen, welcher vorgeben soll, was attraktiv und sozial akzeptiert ist und was nicht.
Ich sehe meine Verantwortung als People Fotografin darin, Menschen in absoluter Gleichheit und auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen - keiner ist besser oder wichtiger als der Andere-weder die Fotografin ist von größerer Bedeutung noch der/die Abgelichtete oder der Celebrity. Für mich sind Stylistin und Assistent am Set genauso wichtig , wie die Arbeit mit der Kamera.. Ein shooting ist Teamwork und am Ende ein Gesamtwerk von Stimmung und Atmosphäre jedes Einzelnen am Set , welche sich dann in den Ergebnissen wiederspiegelt. und manifestiert.
Es geht weder ausschliesslich um den Fotografen oder die Person vor der Kamera, es ist die Qualität der Verbindung, die es von Wert ist für die Ewigkeit festgehalten zu werden.
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Lies, made-up stories, fake news, corrupt practices, biased reporting, sensationalism – a ‘good story’ over facts, cronyism, kowtowing to those in power – are all void of responsibility and have no place in the media.
Its power is not just in what it reports, but in what it chooses to remain silent on.
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PHOTOGRAPHER Susie Williams We have a responsibility to be agents of reflection, presenting what is truly happening around the world. And by ‘we' it is all of us, because in different ways we all engage in or produce media, be it by our smart phones, social media, reading the local newspaper or just being a part of a world that is presented through these mediums.
PHOTOGRAPHER Susie Williams We have a responsibility to be agents of reflection, presenting what is truly happening around the world. And by ‘we' it is all of us, because in different ways we all engage in or produce media, be it by our smart phones, social media, reading the local newspaper or just being a part of a world that is presented through these mediums.
Whose unique ‘style’ is the most widely recognised and praised? We have gotten caught up in creating images and articles that are going to ‘go viral’ and as a collective the media profession has lost its raw connection to what is happening in the world in front of them, BEHIND the camera and underneath the surface, as well as publishing the truth as opposed to a ‘story’.
We have a responsibility to be agents of reflection, presenting what is truly happening around the world. And by ‘we' it is all of us, because in different ways we all engage in or produce media, be it by our smart phones, social media, reading the local newspaper or just being a part of a world that is presented through these mediums.
The media is our avenue to globally communicate with each other and shine a light wherever shadows need illuminating, and also a space where we can share our unique angles on life that offer the rest of the world outlooks, ideas and inspiration outside of their own.
SUSIE WILLIAMS lives in Somerset, England and is currently studying at college with plans to enter Medicine. She is a photographer, blogger, lifeguard and swimming teacher, with a passion for life and supporting the community. Her relationship with media transcends through many different facets, from social media to international journals, photography or simply walking past advertisements at the train station, and believes that our current model is far from responsible and that there is a greater way to use this outlet for worldwide communication and interconnection.
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BUSINESS AND CORPORATE CONSULTANT Heather Pope “the media” isn’t a giant group of people who got together and said, let’s plan to write articles, or film events that are trivial at best, misleading and dishonest at worst. They didn’t get together and plan to be biased based on who their mates are, or what story they personally wanted to promote. They didn’t join hands and say “let’s go to college and learn how to make a living by writing stories advertisers love”. The illusion of the media is that the power is in the hands of media conglomerates, newspapers and TV stations. But it isn’t. The power of the media is in the hands of each person who choose to write, or film, or photograph.
BUSINESS AND CORPORATE CONSULTANT Heather Pope “the media” isn’t a giant group of people who got together and said, let’s plan to write articles, or film events that are trivial at best, misleading and dishonest at worst. They didn’t get together and plan to be biased based on who their mates are, or what story they personally wanted to promote. They didn’t join hands and say “let’s go to college and learn how to make a living by writing stories advertisers love”. The illusion of the media is that the power is in the hands of media conglomerates, newspapers and TV stations. But it isn’t. The power of the media is in the hands of each person who choose to write, or film, or photograph.
Are the media living up to the responsibility they have? Are they exercising their power wisely to bring true lasting change to the world? On the whole the answer would have to be a resounding “no” as they on a daily basis continue to let their fellow brethren down with stories of miracle diets, meaningless celebrity misadventures, dogs that smile and perpetual small talk. The media has everything they need to be a force for true change in a world that desperately needs that, but instead for the most part what we see is bland trivialisation that is devoid of true meaning, and certainly does not empower humanity.
But “the media” isn’t a giant group of people who got together and said, let’s plan to write articles, or film events that are trivial at best, misleading and dishonest at worst. They didn’t get together and plan to be biased based on who their mates are, or what story they personally wanted to promote. They didn’t join hands and say “let’s go to college and learn how to make a living by writing stories advertisers love”.
The illusion of the media is that the power is in the hands of media conglomerates, newspapers and TV stations. But it isn’t. The power of the media is in the hands of each person who choose to write, or film, or photograph.
The power of the media is the power of each person to be the representative of humanity and report with depth and understanding about events big and small, always knowing the responsibility they have to the world and everyone in it. That power has been put aside, and it is well past time that anyone who chooses to work in the media claims it back and in that knows they are a representative of the world.
For the people of the media, their job is to be a leading light, a harbinger of truth, a bell that will not stop ringing offering truth and evolution to a world that sorely needs it. The time has come for true media to return.
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MARKETING DIRECTOR Hannah Morden We have made a business out of selling people things they don’t need and put this well before relationships and people.
MARKETING DIRECTOR Hannah Morden We have made a business out of selling people things they don’t need and put this well before relationships and people.
Have you ever looked at an advert felt like you are missing out? Was there an image of a gorgeous woman, hunky man, even a new shiny car? Well, that is exactly the intention. Behind every shiny ad is a client who wants you to feel like you need what they are selling. Advertising and marketing exist to make us want things. At the end of the day, it is a very successful selling tool. The average person sees over 5,000 ads per day. (ref.) That is a whole mix of online ads, brands and labels, TV, and print ads. So ads are constantly being pushed on us to better our lives. We are being sold to all the time, and marketing now targets how you behave online so that when you are on social media, you will see ads relating to any product you have recently looked at. This is called 're-targeting' which has made it acceptable for internet browsers such as google to track and record your every move online. It has been made extremely difficult for us to avoid advertising at any given point, And some companies spend millions of dollars to make sure you remember their brands. Marketing has become an essential for any business, and the general public is the target.
HANNAH MORDEN has worked in advertising and marketing for over a decade, selling people a mix of different products. Today Hannah is the Marketing Director of DNA Worldwide Group, where the purpose of the business is to show humanity how through our DNA we are all connected, and therefore the world will only work if we work together as one.
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BUSINESS CONSULTANT Katerina Nikolaidis Those traditional lines of distinction between the consumer and the media will slowly begin to fade away – and one day there will simply be the flow of information, in fact of inspiration, that each one of us can activate, express and build on, ...
BUSINESS CONSULTANT Katerina Nikolaidis Those traditional lines of distinction between the consumer and the media will slowly begin to fade away – and one day there will simply be the flow of information, in fact of inspiration, that each one of us can activate, express and build on, ...
More and more, the mass media propaganda will be exposed for being just that – a propaganda machine that engineers so-called news to morph and shape society’s behaviour en-masse. Dull it down, dumb it down, twist it and turn it – this is the underlying motto, and truth doesn’t get a word in.
But there’s another genre of journalist that has now arisen, and it’s not an understatement to say that it’s becoming stronger, literally, by the hour. With the advent and ease of the internet, we’re no longer confined to established media houses that demand we leave our integrity out of the story that we write.
The power of the written word can now come from anywhere – its distinction is very simply whether it is aligned to truth and integrity – or, to the continuation of a lie.
This new wave of journalists will only become bigger and bigger. And for the first time in our modern history what this means is that you as the reader and consumer of the news, now have a choice. A choice in what media meal to consume – the one with all the genetically modified nasties that dull and intoxicate the body to oblivion, or – the one that offers the wholesome and unadulterated truth that ever so simply can inspire the innate truth that you also know.
And then you – the media consumer – become the walking journalist as well. Those traditional lines of distinction between the consumer and the media will slowly begin to fade away – and one day there will simply be the flow of information, in fact of inspiration, that each one of us can activate, express and build on, continuously igniting the limitless wisdom and knowing that is there, waiting to be expressed, within us all.
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